At Liberty we think it is important to honor all of our employees, especially the people who have helped build this agency into what it is today. With that being said we are excited to kick off a new series profiling all of our senior executives.
First up is Liberty’s new Managing Director, Elena Davidson, coming to us from our London office. She has been with Liberty since 2008 and has played an important role in Liberty’s continuing growth. We sat down with Elena to learn more about her:
Hi Elena, congratulations on your promotion and thanks for volunteering to help us kick off our new series. Our first question is, what is your management style?
I think Liberty has a very special culture – one that is centered around an ethos of support and collaboration. I am a firm believer in this and the benefit it brings to the team spirit we have within our offices. It’s far more motivating to work hard for a company you believe in and who believes in you!
Let’s take out our crystal ball, shall we? We wanted to know, where would you like to see Liberty in the next 5 years?
Liberty is founded on great service for our clients and great opportunities for our team. As we look to 2017 and beyond I see us continuing to create and deliver exceptional international PR services for our clients. We also have an ambition to build our business organically by creating a team that we hire ourselves, knows each other, believes in our business and collaborates across time zones.
What is your favorite/proudest memory during your time at Liberty?
My proudest memory at Liberty was becoming Managing Director. It is both a privilege and an honor!
On a more personal note, if you could live in a book, TV show or film, what would it be?
I am going to defer to my daughter on this one – she’d say Frozen which would probably be quite a good choice!
Besides being a PR super star, what was your dream job growing up?
I wanted to be a teacher. Lucky for me, I married one instead!
Thanks so much for joining us today Elena, we really appreciate everything you do here at Liberty. Thanks for sharing your insight!
Make sure to tune in next time, as we continue to interview the senior management team here at Liberty to see what makes them tick.