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With Halloween officially upon us, we wanted to share some of the team’s shenanigans in favour of the celebrations.

Although thought to be an ‘Americanized’ tradition, Halloween as we now know it actually originated in the Celtic fringes of Britain, and was adapted by Christian traditions, immigrants’ conventions and an everlasting desire for sweets. In the UK and the rest of the world, it’s seen as a great excuse to celebrate creativity (in its most horrifying versions!) and uniqueness, while having a drink or two. That’s definitely the case with our team; we take the Liberty to use such occasions as a team bonding experience too – much like in every self-respected horror movie, only if we stick together we’ll be able to ensure survival – be that from zombies or pressing deadlines!

And, although Halloween sales are somewhere in the billions for 2016, we believe that all you need is a good idea to work out something brilliant on a small budget – that goes from client campaigns to a Halloween costume 😉

We hope you’ll find our costumes for this year entertaining – and we’re of course open to any suggestions for next time. What did you dress up as?


Maria Loupa

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